I was honored to be invited to speak and be a part of a Technology and Marketing panel at last week’s NEXT Tech Conference for Women in Financial Services. Over the course of two days, I met so many inspiring and amazing women (and some men too!)

I took notes; I took pictures. After all, it’s what one does when at a conference, right? Even as a panelist and speaker, I was awe-struck and, truth be told, a little bit of a groupie. These are the “who’s who” of women in technology and financial services – women I admire and look up to. And I am here – as their equal (yeah, right!) So I listened and scribbled down my thoughts – a stream of ideas that will probably make no sense to anyone but me.

And from these amazing women, and my nonsensical notes, I came up with my personal seven goals for 2019 and beyond. Yes, I know February is almost over and some may say seven goals is too much. What can I say? I’ve always been an overachiever (but that’s a whole other article) 🙂

Caveat: this is not rocket science, really! We can all recite these goals in our sleep; we have read them in countless books; we heard them on many a TED speech. BUT – do we live and breathe them? I will be the first to raise my hand and admit that I do not – not every day, anyway.

SO for the rest of 2019, and the NEXT (pardon the pun, I couldn’t resist) several years, I will try my best (and my best is the best I can give) at these goals:

1) Nothing changes if nothing changes. Please read this one again, s-l-o-w-l-y and let it sink in. Here’s the deal: if you’re not happy about something, do something about it because the universe is not going to align itself and magically change things (OK, if you believe in astrology, it just may – but I’m not holding my breath on this one).

2) Be genuine, be present – listen and engage. I’m totally guilty of failing this one 🙁 How many times are you with someone (having a coffee, in a meeting) and you surreptitiously (or maybe not so surreptitiously) check your phone for an email, a message, something, anything? Why, why do we do that? Do we believe something “better” will be waiting for us on the other end? Be in that moment. Listen to what your friend, your colleague, your boss is saying.

Which brings me to # 3

3) Speak up, Lean in – it’s your masterpiece. Don’t sit back and wait for someone to ask for your opinion. If you have a brilliant idea, shout it out. If someone says or does something inane, let them know (but please do not hit them upside the head, as much as you may want to). Lean in, put your hand on your cheek and be an animated part of every conversation.

4) Get out of your own way. Yes, it really is (mostly anyway) in your head. You truly ARE a rock star and you ARE going to shine! Breathe it, live it, repeat it, until you be believe it. Tell all these voices in your head to “shut up” because, like L’Oreal said, you ARE worth it!

5) Have empathy. It’s a fine line between empathy and sympathy (I actually had to look the difference up – seriously). Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. You don’t have to solve their problems; just feel their struggle and rejoice in their achievement. (see #2 above).

6) Have passion – do what you love, love what you do! Do you remember the Washington Post “can’t take this, not another day” commercial? No? Google it! After all, we spend so much time at work (more than with our own families sometimes), we should truly love what we do! Enough said.

7) Pay it forward – coach or mentor an upcoming you. We are all busy and we all lead very hectic lives. I get it. BUT. Where would we be if someone hadn’t taken us under their wings when we first started or needed it most (if I haven’t thanked you recently, thank you Beth EstradaAndrew NagorskiNaima ShaikhGail Meehan, and Terry Dwyer)? Do that for someone – as another fab NEXT panelist said, “be that woman”! You will feel good, really good, to know that you are helping someone become their brilliant future self.

I know it won’t be easy and I know there will be days when I may slip (especially when someone does something inane, aka stupid); but these goals are now proudly displayed in my office on my “Wall of Important Stuff” (yes, that is really what I call it) to remind me every day of these goals and the promise I made to myself.